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Head spinning corridors with old squeaky floors.

Young diners.

Eating in the canteen felt like sitting in a sauna.

Painting on the wall and cleanliness.

Architecturally interesting building for a walk after lunch.

Impressive pink walls.
Microwave oven – you can use it to warm up your own food.

Company store selling sweets at the same place.

Easy to read sign of WC – you will never have to ask for the way.

A smell of chocolate and cheap candies (and somehow cheap portions of ice-cream too).

Fan-page on the Internet.

Sophisticated food that one won't find in other canteens (escalopes, Chicken Kiev, etc.).
Enormous work of ceramics on the wall.

Red colour that makes a place look mysterious.

80’s style corner bar with glossy lamps and curved lines.

Flowers everywhere.

Students and quite intelectual discussions among them.

Disco for people over 30 on weekends and disco style attributes in the canteen.

Two huge palms near the window.

Enormous picture on the wall. Painted poppies could open a discussion about a landscape painting.

Background music (only Russian).

A corner bar with all facilities.

Lots of tables at the windows.
Very talkative canteen worker.

Most of the things in the canteen are marked with „Vilniaus degtinė“ logos.

Everything is new.

Canteen is full of flowers. Orchids included.

Various types of dishes, even after lunch time.

Cosy interior.
One won’t find two identical plates in the canteen.

If you are in a hurry, you can eat your quick lunch sitting at the bar.

If you are bored, you could try guessing the names of the plants at the windows of the canteen. I guess that would take you at least a week.

A coat rack.

A good location in a center of the city.

Air conditioning system (though, it was not working on my visit day).
Funny carved heart shaped chairs.

Great combination of colours! Yellow walls match blue artificial flowers.

Low door, so everyone has to lean over to enter the canteen.

Fresh coffee and an espresso machine!

A sink to wash hands.

A coatrack.
Vintage interior.

Long conveyer for dirty dishes.

The students in the canteen are open for discussions about physics, law, economics or communication science.

A microwave oven for heating food you brought from home (though heating your food is not allowed, but when the staff doesn't see...)

Radio announcing about the situation on the roads for drivers.

No queues in the canteen during lectures.
Visually handicapped and deaf people work in the canteen.

Silence during lunch time.

The location is hard to find.

Big tables if you want to have lunch with a group.

A lot of artificial flowers.

Sincere concern of a cook: „How come you’re not eating soup? That is not healthy.
Unexpected location for a canteen – a dormitory between skyscrapers.

Colourful carpet on the wall.

Young diners.

Exceptional service for newcomers.

Food portions with a little bit extra.

School kids, who willingly show you the way to canteen.
Availability of alcohol.

Great window view.

Enormous mirror near the exit.

Lithuanian soap operas on LCD TV (it is also possible to see the view of the other canteen hall on the TV).

White tablecloths that enrich the dining experience.

Awarded a Diploma for good service.
Furniture, walls and interior details that remind of the Soviet times.

A long table always served for the banquet.

A male cook in the kitchen.

Soft and nice music.

Special enclosed corridor for the queue. Very interesting thing.

Conveyer for dirty dishes.
Vintage interior.

A cash-lady using old school cash register.

Free art and fresh gossips.

A bar with nice service.

Talkative diners.

Barred windows and interior.

Unique composition of daylight lamps.

Flower shop with a great variety of plants from all over the world. In addition, a great variety of wrapping paper.

Old-fashioned bar near the canteen with the same workers as in the canteen.

Old-fashioned russian samovar in case you want some tea on lunch.

Surprisingly pleasant smell of flowers mixed with freshly mashed potatoes.
A worker with plates with lunch dishes running among tables.

Long, but quickly moving queue on lunchtime.

Barely heard music.

Freshly made carrot juices.

Examples of folk art (i.e. wicker lampshades).

No tray system – all dishes are served to your table.

Naujamiestis, Vilnius

no map
Naugarduko g. 34
A legendary canteen "Montuotojas" (en. Mounter) is located between the Faculty of Chemistry of Vilnius University and lofts district. Some would associate this canteen with best-fried fries, for others it would be nothing more than a two-room canteen soaked in oil smell. We would add - wicker lampshades and loud-voiced working ladies.
















A worker with plates with lunch dishes running among tables.

Long, but quickly moving queue on lunchtime.

Barely heard music.

Freshly made carrot juices.

Examples of folk art (i.e. wicker lampshades).

No tray system – all dishes are served to your table.

Most of Vilnius residents have heard some myths or legends about a canteen established in a factory "Montuotojas". So I have decided to visit it and check how it really is. As I entered the factory, I realized it was quite tricky to find the canteen. But there I saw a map hanging on the door and showing the way to the lunch place, so I was saved.

As I got there, I saw a queue that almost reached the door of the canteen. So I prepared to wait for my own tray with lunch. I didn't have to wait that long, as canteen workers were very fast. If one of them was taking orders near the cash-register, the other was running with plates and bowls looking for beetroot soup, cold beetroot soup (lt. šaltibarščiai) or potato pancakes with meat (lt. žemaičių blynai) and shouting out served dishes: "Who ordered two steaks?" I must warn you - if you like to have your lunch quietly, the canteen "Montuotojas" is not for you!

Diners can have their lunch in one of two rooms of the canteen. Both are the same: grey walls, brackets with wicker lampshades, massive tables and chairs with cutaway hearts on their backs. I settled near the fridge full of refreshments and just after a couple of moments I got my cold beetroot soup served. While enjoying it, I noticed you could meet wide range of people here: mounters, postmen, students from the faculty nearby, men in suits and lots of other different people.

I was still eating my soup when I got my second dish that was Chicken Kiev. I got it after the cook shouted: "Who ordered a Chicken Kiev???" for three times. Everyone here willy-nilly have lunch fast, because you might feel like you are in a stock exchange where everything is madly dynamic. Sometimes you can imagine that you hear the rate of French fries going up or beetroot market going down.

If you get dishes delivered to your table, it doesn't mean you can leave the empty plates there after lunch. Dishes should be taken to a special window and pushed through a small yellow curtain.
The motto of this canteen definitely should be "you came - you ate - you went away", no doubts!

It is obvious that the specialization of this canteen is fried potatoes (so called French fries). They are served with anything - cold beetroot soup, herring or cutlets. Or you can get just a portion of fries, too. On a day of my visit I ordered challenging dish of any canteen - a Chicken Kiev. And I got a cutlet of a size of my palm. It was well fried; maybe I just missed some more butter inside of it. To sum up, the Chicken Kiev exam is passed!

I was very tempted to order fresh juice instead of a glass of compote. But compote of berries is also quite nice - refreshing and pleasantly sweet.

Virėja ir valgyklos vadove

Do you use any slang at work?
Yes, of course. For example, when making salads we say „nakalioskės". It‘s not a curse. Well, generally we don‘t barbarize a lot.

Perhaps you call your clients in some special way...?
No, we don't. Maybe just sometimes we call them in some way undesignedly.

And when does a working day of cooks begin?
We start at 8 a.m., so we get up at 7 a.m. or earlier. It depends how far from the canteen one lives. And all food we prepare in the morning. We finish our work at around 4 p.m.

What is the most complicated dish that you make and how long does it take to make it?
It's Chicken Kiev. Time depends on amount of cutlets we have to make. At the moment we are making 10 Chicken Kiev, so it takes about an hour to make.

What is the main cook's tool?
It's a knife definitely. It doesn't even matter on what surface you will have to cut. The most important is a knife.

Perhaps you have some tools made by yourself?
Oh, no. You can get everything in the market (laughing).

CinCas 17-7-2010 11:47:37
super interviu. 10 balų:)

studentė 22-6-2010 15:26:52
va čia mif'o liaudis eina :)

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